Η στιγμή που αυτό το μωράκι βλέπει για πρώτη φορά τη μαμά του, μας έκανε να ΔΑΚΡΥΣΟΥΜΕ!

Δεν υπάρχει καμία αμφιβολία ότι αυτό το μικρό κοpιτσάκι αγαπά τα νέα γυαλιά της…

Είναι μόνο 16 μηνών αλλά δυστυχώς η όρασή της ήταν σε τόσο κακή κατάσταση, που χρειάστηκε να βάλει γυαλιά. Η αντίδρασή της όταν είδε για πρώτη φορά το πρόσωπο της μητέρας της καθαρά; Εμείς δακρύσαμε!

Και για να δείξει ότι έχει και καλούς τρόπους, η πρώτη της λέξη ήταν “Ευχαριστώ“…

Her First Words Are 'Thank You' And 'Wow'

"Last week my 16-month-old daughter went to the eye doctor. She has developed a lazy eye, and we were having it checked out. Well, come to find out she not only had a "lazy eye" but she had high far sightedness, which in turn was causing the lazy eye. Where all children have far sightedness when they are little, they are usually at a 1 or 2. My baby girl was at an 8! So she was fitted for glasses. Today she received them, and when looking through them I could not believe how bad her vision was. This is her first reaction to them. Her first words are 'Thank you' and 'Wow' when having them put on. Brought tears to my eyes knowing that she will be able to see better."For our best love stories, subscribe to our free email newsletter: http://lovewhatmatters.com/subscribe/ 🙂 🙂 🙂 A Love What Matters Original Video#LoveWhatMatters Video courtesy of A. Franklin

Posted by Love What Matters on Saturday, 5 March 2016

Credits: Faith Tap

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